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The HLA Toolbox provides a licensing option to export HLA federates developed in MATLAB into standalone executable applications using the MATLAB Compiler. This deployment feature provides a way to run the full federate without MATLAB license. The compiled federate is royalty free, has no restriction and will run on any computer. To compile your federate, just run the “hlaDeploy” command on the main file (entry point of your MATLAB code). >> hlaDeploy  mainHelloWorld.m Building your model for deployment ... Once your model has been built, ... Read more

Supporting education (SEE)

April is SEE time. The Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) organized by NASA has been supported by ForwardSim from its humble start in 2009. SEE is a distributed simulation challenge. Geographically distributed inter-university teams work in conjunction with one another to design, develop, test, and execute a simulated lunar mission. As an active partner, ForwardSim provides free software licences augmented with technical and engineering support to SEE participants. Once again this year, teams are using ForwardSim products in order to be more efficient at ... Read more

10 years of Modeling & Simulation

10 years of Modeling & Simulation Back in January 2005, ForwardSim was created by a few talented professional dreaming of product and services so efficient that they will revolutionize the decision making process and simplify simulation implementation. With a clear vision to bring simulation technology in unfamiliar application area to better support decision making ForwardSim started its activities with consulting services contracts and continuously invested in the development of innovative technology enabling access to the power of distributed simulation. With a strong focus ... Read more