Red Bull Crashed Ice 2011

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Actual event CrowdWays model

CrowdWays has been used to model and analyze one of the most prestigious events happening in Quebec city in the past years. The Red Bull Crashed Ice is a very popular event gathering an impressive crowd in the small streets of the old part of town.

ForwardSim worked with the local authority to analyze site configuration, provide security recommendations and refine emergency measures for the event. Recommendations have been made to define zones and make sure participants knew in which zone they were in using different visualization techniques. Evacuation paths were assigned to the different zones and presented to the crowd just before the event.

Crowd density evaluations have been possible based on CrowdWays analytic capabilities and pictures taken from the event. Live and simulated images of the event are presented below highlighting the realism of the 3D simulated environment.



Customer: SPVQ

Award Winning Project